Keeping A Swipe File
If you have been studying Internet Marketing for any length of time you will come to realize that at some point in your career you will have to get some sales copy written for your products. There are 2 ways to do this you can either pay an experienced copywriter to write it for you…
Making Time For Your Business
I am writing this post because I am constantly fighting to find time to work on my internet business, and would be interested in hearing how you manage your time with family and work commitments. At the time of writing this post I have two young children, I also work full time during the day, and try to help…
Do You Have Full Control Of Your Business?
I have recently read an article about PayPal and how they can shut down your account in the blink of an eye if they want to. This got me thinking about the different types of businesses that people run online and how secure they actually are. A few years ago I did some research on…
Outsourcing Makes So Much Sense
Since starting out online I have found that I am constantly juggling my valuable time between the full time job,family and my online interests. I am finding it is a constant battle to find the right balance. Whoever thinks that making a living online is easy they need to think again, anyone that is making…
Welcome to Robert Chenery’s Blog
Welcome to my blog and my first official post on this website. At the moment I am in the early stages of building my own online business and creating an online presence. Over the coming weeks you will see a gradual transformation here as I intend to make this a place that you can visit…
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